Tokyo Startups List

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Meet 5 attorney View everyone

ID 694049

Kana Nakako

Sport marketing planner at ad agency. Strong relationship with Japanese Olympic Committee, and other national federations.

ID 510566

Cindy Lin

Co-Founder/COO/General Counsel of Global EduGate • Worked as IP lawyer at @the-coca-cola-company • Studied at @georgetown-university, @university-of-maryland-college-park

ID 174506

Stephanie Ardrey

Founder @iVentLABS Business Accelerator, @ArdreyGroup LLC • Partner at @K5 Launch Alliance @maverick Angels

ID 204863

Daisuke Osada


Just An Indelible Adopter. ex-Investors of a few early birds. #Angel #i18n #gihyodp #barlog //All activities on the Internet is the responsibility of mine.//

ID 21907

John Zhuang

Corporate Lawyer, Government Relations Consultant, and Business Development Specialist with deep working knowledge of the tech sectors in US, Europe, and Asia.

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